Thursday, November 5, 2009

toys of history

Lauren: her favorite was probably books
Todd: his favorite was probably the green machine
Preston: definitely Capsula, he would play with it every day when he came home from school
Val: I think that I remember her playing with a toy that you could make clothes with fabric on a doll. There was an overlay..hard to explain
Liz: art supplies
John: knights and castle (may be prejudiced since I gave them to him)
Mason: football players, her would make sounds like the cheering crowd(again, discount Granny's prejudice)
Sam: bike or bow and arrows
Carson: trains and anything with wheels
Tully: Mr. Cow
These are my best guesses for favorites, correct me if I am wrong..


  1. I can't believe how much Sam loves Legos---and the sets now are so much more complex, with figures and such. He does love his bike and scooter. Liz loved her play kitchen when she was really small.

  2. Carson loves his play kitchen too. I think that is a great toy for small kids. It's also the first toy other kids run to when they come over.

    We keep ours in the real kitchen so Carson can cook along with us. Just be careful the fish tank is not within reach when Daddy's making salmon...we nearly lost a beta fish in a tragic ladle incident.

    I’m not sure what fashion toy you’re talking about—maybe Woodkins? That was a toy Elizabeth loved. Fashion Plates were more my and Lauren’s time, but Lauren played with that much more than I did. I do remember making clothes for my Barbies all the time.
