Saturday, November 7, 2009


I just read a blog about "The Elf on the Shelf" and was stunned that a parent would tell their child that there is no Santa Claus. I still believe in Santa Claus, he/she is the spirit of love and giving that we find all over the world, especially for children. It started a long time ago with Kris Kringle, in Germany, as I remember, but when he died, others had to take up the cause and continue the spirit. Right, he doesn't fly through the air in a sleigh but all of us can be Santa to others. It is one of the greatest joys of the season.

Oh, the Elf on the Shelf.... Apparently he has been around for a long time but I only learned about him a couple of years ago when my son and his wife had one for their three boys. Apparently it was magic, which it is supposed to be, but in ways they hadn't anticipated. They felt like they were being watched by Santa's helper, which is true, Santa's helper is Mom and Dad but the elf makes it a lot of fun apparently. He shows up in different places each morning and gets into all sorts of mischief over night. As your older child catches on, let him/her participate in the activity for the younger children. It teaches about love and laughter and family and gives them GOOD MEMORIES ( read earlier post on good memories).

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